
Eagle School today. Model making brilliantly illustrating the challenges posed by humans by occupying wild places. Habitats, electricity production, environment tourism, world of work and rewilding di
Eagle School today. Model making brilliantly illustrating the challenges posed by humans b...
Published on: 27-11-2020

A massive thank you to Ron Shaw, G.S. Shaw & Co. Farming & Contracting, Smailholm Mains Farm for building us the most amazing mud kitchen for our loose parts play area. We’re very excited! htt
A massive thank you to Ron Shaw, G.S. Shaw & Co. Farming & Contracting, Smailholm ...
Published on: 25-10-2020

That’s our second class novel, ‘Evie and the Animals’, done and dusted during home schooling. A huge shout out to our pupils who meet up everyday to listen. @matthaig1 Next up ‘Evie and the Jungle’ #p
That’s our second class novel, ‘Evie and the Animals’, done and dusted during home schooli...
Published on: 05-06-2020

@scottishbktrust A muckle thank you from Sprouston PS for your top book recommendation ‘Milton the Mighty’. Every day pupils have been gathering online to hear the next chapter. A huge shout out to al
@scottishbktrust A muckle thank you from Sprouston PS for your top book recommendation ‘Mi...
Published on: 15-05-2020

Today we came together online as a school community for our shared novel. Thanks to @scottishbktrust for the great recommendation and all our pupils who connected #proud #Sprouston
Today we came together online as a school community for our shared novel. Thanks to @scott...
Published on: 26-03-2020

Celebrating 2 years of The Gruffalo in style with Authors Live and our lots of fun Scots vocabulary relay. Thanks to ours who joined us. @BookWeekScot @SBCLiteracy #BookWeekScotland #SBCLovestoread ht
Celebrating 2 years of The Gruffalo in style with Authors Live and our lots of fun Scots v...
Published on: 21-11-2019

SEIC Moderation Day 1. It was great to work with colleagues from SBC and neighbouring authorities on assessment and how to increase its impact. More suggestions for professional reading. @SBCNumeracy
SEIC Moderation Day 1. It was great to work with colleagues from SBC and neighbouring auth...
Published on: 14-11-2019

It started with an author event. Mr Shaha’s STEM HQ looking braw for Scottish Maths Week. We’re looking forward to sharing our learning with Alom soon. @alomshaha @mainstreethare @EducationScot @SBCEd
It started with an author event. Mr Shaha’s STEM HQ looking braw for Scottish Maths Week. ...
Published on: 04-10-2019

All is quiet in Mr Shaha’s STEM HQ, but not for long. We’re excited to welcome our visitors this morning especially Dr Heather Reid, Meteorologist. @SBCEducation1 @EducationScot #sbcmaths #MathsWeekSc
All is quiet in Mr Shaha’s STEM HQ, but not for long. We’re excited to welcome our visitor...
Published on: 04-10-2019

@alomshaha Dr Shaha, Sprouston Primary School are creating a STEM HQ in this very shed. Could you please direct message us. Our P5 class joined your book talk in Kelso.
@alomshaha Dr Shaha, Sprouston Primary School are creating a STEM HQ in this very shed. Co...
Published on: 23-09-2019

A great way to spend a Saturday. Thank you to @EmathsUK and to @garyl82 @rekenrek101 @ChrisMcGrane84 and @MichaelOllerton for inspiring workshops. @SBCEducation1 @karlapearce @fractionfanatic #MathsCo
A great way to spend a Saturday. Thank you to @EmathsUK and to @garyl82 @rekenrek101 @Chri...
Published on: 21-09-2019

A wonderful day at the Hirsel developing map reading skills, learning about Fairtrade and cooking muffins, food journeys From Field to Fork and cooking Pizza. Thank you to and
A wonderful day at the Hirsel developing map reading skills, learning about Fairtrade and ...
Published on: 10-09-2019

New books for our school library. Thank you to @jillcalder and Justin Davis @flyingscribbler for brilliant author talks at the Borders Book Festival Schools Day. @BordersBookFest
New books for our school library. Thank you to @jillcalder and Justin Davis @flyingscribbl...
Published on: 05-09-2019

@BordersBookFest @flyingscribbler Thank you to Justin Davis for your top writing tips. We returned to school excited to read and inspired to write our own stories
@BordersBookFest @flyingscribbler Thank you to Justin Davis for your top writing tips. We ...
Published on: 05-09-2019

it was fantastic to meet @vivianfrench at the borders book festival. The children all returned to school all fired up to read and we’ll be using your writing tips to plan and write stories next week.
it was fantastic to meet @vivianfrench at the borders book festival. The children all retu...
Published on: 05-09-2019

Shared at assembly today Building Resilience Unit 5: Take a Moment. #Flashmob Flash Mob - Ode an die Freude ( Ode to Joy ) Beethoven Symphony No.9 classical music - YouTube
Shared at assembly today Building Resilience Unit 5: Take a Moment.
#Flashmob Flash Mob -...
Published on: 30-08-2019

We’re excited about welcoming everyone back to school tomorrow. Please remember to book lunches and label clothing. And a sneak preview of our productive garden!
We’re excited about welcoming everyone back to school tomorrow. Please remember to book...
Published on: 20-08-2019

P4,5 & 6 enjoyed performing ‘Meet the Twits’ and ‘Meet the Mugglewumps’ at our Celebration Assembly. Thank you to our audience for coming. #celebrationassembly #sproustonprimaryschool
P4,5 & 6 enjoyed performing ‘Meet the Twits’ and ‘Meet the Mugglewumps’ at our Celebra...
Published on: 26-06-2019

Thank you to all our family and friends who came to our Celebration Assembly. We all enjoyed performing and sharing our french language skills.#sproustonprimaryschool
Thank you to all our family and friends who came to our Celebration Assembly. We all enjoy...
Published on: 26-06-2019

Thank you @David_J_Ashby author of our class novel, 'Gribblebob's Book of Unpleasant Goblins' and family for a wonderful class visit. P4,5 & 6 were treated to a rare insight into the novel and the
Thank you @David_J_Ashby author of our class novel, 'Gribblebob's Book of Unpleasant Gobli...
Published on: 14-06-2019