We have enjoyed looking at portraits this term and we looked at the work of a range of famous portrait artists including Van Gogh, Gustav Klimt and Picasso. We are working on our Oracy skills and so we talked about what we liked and disliked about the pictures and the reasons we felt this way. With Burns Night at the end of January, we looked at the life of Robert Burns and some of his famous poems. We looked at how he has been depicted in portraits too and used two of his portraits as inspiration for our descriptive writing. We then went on to create two different styles of portrait of Robert Burns. In the first we re-created parts of his most famous portrait, really focusing in on the shape and form of his features. We used the same technique to create self -portraits. Finally, we created an abstract class portrait of Robert Burns in the style of the modern-day artist Chuck Close. We think it came out rather well! |